Discover how Biblical wisdom can help you find meaning in your work.

We are all engaged in some kind of work, whether it comes with a paycheck or not. Regardless of the kind of work you do, from bussing tables, to managing a business, to taking care of your home and family, chances are you want to find meaning in your endeavors.

In this course Professor N.T. Wright examines a series of Biblical texts that discuss how Christians should consider the work they do. As you’re guided through Old and New Testament teachings, you’ll discover concrete actions you can take to live out the fullness of being in the image of God, and become an agent for positive change in a broken world.

Course Outline

    1. Welcome to Faith Working Through Love

    1. Framing Questions

    2. Reading of Titus 3:1-11

    3. The Transformative Power of the Gospel for Faithful Living

    4. Reflect and Practice

    1. Framing Questions

    2. Reading of Philippians 1:27-30; 2:14-18; 3:20-4:1; 4:4-9

    3. Modeling Faithfulness in the World

    4. Reflect and Practice

    1. Framing Questions

    2. Reading of Romans 12

    3. The Transformative Power of Worship for Faithful Living

    4. Reflect and Practice

    1. Framing Questions

    2. Reading of 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

    3. Modeling Faithfulness in the Church

    4. Reflect and Practice

    1. Review

    2. Wrapping Up

About Faith Working Through Love

  • Free
  • 1 hour of video content

Meet Your Instructor

N.T. Wright


Prof. N.T. (Tom) Wright is Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University. He is one of the world’s leading Bible scholars, with expertise in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity, the New Testament, and Biblical Studies. He is also Emeritus Professor at the University of St. Andrews and the former Bishop of Durham. He has published over 85 books and is co-founder of N.T. Wright Online.

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I looooooove Philemon so much!

I looooooove Philemon so much!

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