Course Outline

    1. Welcome to the Admirato Platform Overview

    2. Welcome to this Course

    1. Framing Lesson 1

    2. A History of Admirato

    3. Review

    4. Reflect

    1. Framing Lesson 2

    2. Enrolling in a Course

    3. Your Enrollment Options

    1. Framing Lesson 3

    2. My Dashboard

    3. Practice

    4. Contacting Admirato

    1. Wrapping Up

About Platform Overview

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  • Use this to get oriented

Meet Your Instructor

Jennifer Loop

Teaching Assistant

Jennifer Loop is currently a doctoral candidate at Durham University. She is the Director of Ministry Engagement and plays a critical role in the online education, both organizational and theological, by guiding the online student experience. Jennifer enjoys engaging with a ‘virtual community’ of diverse students and learners to explore how theology, faith and practice intersect.